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April 21, 2013

Tom Ravenshear Portrait Shoot

I don’t usually post engagement shoots or portrait shoots, but when Tom of Tom Ravenshear showed me these images, I couldn’t wait to get them on the blog for you to see. I love Tom’s style and the way that he has beautifully captured Helen and Ollie on a cold, wintery London day. It is so refreshing to see such relaxed images, and I also love the sneak peaks of different little bits of london that you get as you look through the photos. What a great way of capturing the couple’s story.

Tom Ravenshear (who you might know from wenotme) has had a bit of a rebrand over the winter, so do take a look at his lovely new website here. Also there there will be some exciting news about wenotme coming soon!  Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O Tom Ravenshear wedding photographer engagement shoot_H&O

All images: Tom Ravenshear

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