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January 13, 2015

Jo Flowers – A year in flowers

Instagram is one of my favourite places for inspiration, and for finding really beautiful things at the hands of very talented people. One of my favourite instagram feeds is that of Jo Flowers, always full of incredibly beautiful florals, it is a real pick me up any time of the year.

So in honour of that I have put together a post celebrating a year of flowers, through Jo Flowers work. It is amazing to see the changes in season through her work, enjoy…

JANUARYjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 1 january

FEBRUARYjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 2 february

MARCHjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 3 march

APRILjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 5 april

MAYjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 7 may2

JUNEjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 9 june2

JULYjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 11 july jo flowers a year in flowers wedding 12 july2

AUGUSTjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 13 august jo flowers a year in flowers wedding 15 august3

SEPTEMBERjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 16 sept jo flowers a year in flowers wedding 17 sept2

OCTOBERjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 18 octoberjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 19 october2

NOVEMBERjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 21 nov2

DECEMBERjo flowers a year in flowers wedding 22 dec

If you like what you see, why not visit Jo’s website here.

If you fancy following Jo’s feed find it here:

and if you’d like to see a few behind the scenes pictures from me, as well as all the little things that tickle my fancy why not take a look at my feed too…here:

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